
顯示從 2月, 2022 起發佈的文章

Principle of Insufficient Reason

In the previous article < Subjective Probability Estimation >, I have mentioned the difficulty in assigning chance for decision making. One of the crucial tools I mentioned is to the Principle of Insufficient Reason (also known as Principle of Indifference ) to assign probability of events in the absence of knowledge about the situation.   

匱乏如何影響價值估算 (Scarcity-Framed Valuation)

一些無形事件、事物的價值估算是很困難的,例如:精神折磨、時間損耗等是難以量化和估算。正如我在 < Trade-offs in Decision Making > 寫道,若要用 Cancel-out method 來抹去某考慮條件 (objectives or criteria) 的話,我們必須要學懂 Trade-off 「交換」這個概念。尤其在量化無形或有形事件、事物的價值時,人類會被很多因素、 捷思 、 偏 誤 所影響, 其中一個較少人被提及的是 匱乏度 scarcity !即: 你 個人現時 的匱乏程度; 那 物件或事項 的匱乏程度。 第二點是指:一般來說,若某物件、資源、服務愈是匱乏 scarcity,其估值會愈高,因為供應量低,可擁有機會也小。 有時,這個物件、資源、服務的估值會跟其價值有矛盾,這也是經濟學家 Adam Smith 提出的 Paradox of Value: Diamond and Water。 Adam Smith 在他著作 <Wealth of Nations(國富論)>寫道:"Nothing is more useful than water, but it will purchase scarce anything"。鑽石比水對人類的生存或實用價值為低,但鑽石的價格卻比水高,這是因為:(i) 鑽石的匱乏程度高、(ii) 供應量低、(iii) Marginal Utility(邊際效用)。 邊際效用可用主觀效用值來解說,即:對你個人的滿足度。而這滿足度亦跟你個人的匱乏程度有關,牽涉 Law of Diminishing、Value of Use、Value in Exchange。 本文看的估值,不是從第二點的「物件或事項的匱乏程度」來評估,而是從第一點「個人現時的匱乏程度」。    究竟匱乏程度 Scarcity 如何影響價值估算? 根據 Zhu & Ratner (2014) 的研究指出,  窮人在決定是否買一件物品時,他們 會用「交換」 Tradeoff 的思維來衡量 。他們會想:「如買了此物件,我將不能買別的物件」。 窮人的腦子會被一些迫切而且必要的支出擠滿,例如:腦子總是充斥著,公共服務、水電煤、租金、稅務、學費等的支出。 他們 因為資源匱乏,很容...

Decision Tree

Decision Tree Another way to present the consequences together with probabilities and outcomes is decision tree . A decision tree can be a more efficient representation of the present uncertainties, alternatives and consequences than a consequence table.  When drawing a decision tree, using quantitative measures, the hardest part is how to assign chance (probability) because it involves a high degree of subjective probability estimation   where it is easily affected by heuristics and biases .     

Subjective Probability Estimation

This article is an elaboration on assigning chance subjectively - the hardest bit for many people - in the article < Uncertainty and Chance >. This article is by no means serves as a deep-dive about risk or whatever, it is about pointing out which parts of chance assignment is hard and how to resolve them.