Enjoy the High Interest Better Off

Having sold almost all stocks in the first quarter of 2022, leaving less than 8% money in the US markets with which all are market index ETFs. 

In view of (i) the world economy is going downhill and needs a long time to recover; (ii) energy crisis due to the political reasons and short of supplies; (iii) political instability and regional tensions among and between some countries; (iv) the super hyperinflation pushing the interest rate shoots up off the chart (Once this happens, as I had mentioned before, the economy will be cooled down and stock markets will have to experience sell-offs), and on top of that, the prognosis of the future world economy is groomy, I would rather be more conservative than aggressive/speculative when it comes to investment.

I am perhaps one of the other pessimists and I don't expect that it will have a quick turnaround, as someone puts it saying "this is a great buying opportunity", "it's coming to revive". (Well, while they say this, they themselves will never be really buying anything at the moment they were saying, nor did they do whatever they proclaimed. Be alert!)

Look, given all these uncertainties, I myself would rather enjoy the safest gains. Why not put my asset to a bank and enjoy the comparatively high risk-free rate? What's the point to take the risk out there gambling? Why on earth I have to?

Don't follow those 'gurus' to borrow Japanese Yen and buy bonds! If you do, well best of luck!




展望理論 Prospect Theory (1): 價值函數 (Value Function)

風險決策的兩個理論: 期望值 & 期望效用

展望理論 Prospect Theory (2): 機率加權函數 (Probability Weighting Function)

電影筆記 | First Do No Harm - (1) 故事描述

期望投資回報: 計算方法

成熟也有指標 (Emotional Maturity)
