Be Vigilant to Money-Making Bloggers, YouTubers and Facebookers

I have already written many articles regarding those forecasters, who claim that they had 'accurate' forecasts in the past, you should pay special attention to. In particular to those who use their blog posts, YouTube channels or Facebook pages for money making purpose. 

Look! Those who claimed that the stock market would be rising with the inflation rate, where are they now? Where have they gone? Listen to what they said then and what they are saying now. You can check it out yourself by tracking their words... <經濟學家論 | 利息上升, 股市會上升?

Or, some will tell you that they have some great tips for how to purchase UK houses at a below market price at some up-and-coming postcode areas. Don't forget, they tell you so is for a reason, just as they set up their FB pages, YouTube channels is for a reason, which is - money - all about money! Such overseas property investment businesses have been blooming on FB.

Some of them will convince you to take their courses (some are one-to-one on FB, saying things like this is exclusively tailor-made for you) to teach you the secret tips, some courses cost up to mid 5-digit HK dollars. Some will sell their team services to you for overseas house purchasing, some will appear to be kind enough to refer you to the 'best' mortgage brokers or solicitors, or else. Some will entice you to buy a broken house and make a big renovation (of course, hire their team) to gain a big turnover. 

After you agreed to 'buy' their services, they will immediately stay out of you. They will call the service as "referral". Then, they will leave you alone to deal with the 'team', consisting mortgage broker, solicitor, builders, plumbers, electricians, handymen, surveyors, etc. They themselves will be out of the deal.

See! These are the ways how they make money from you. On one hand they get your easy money, and on the other hand, they can stay away from all the mess and shrug shoulders from all your hassles. Every word they say, they say it for snatching your money at last. They make money out of nothing without being messed up.

Be highly vigilant! Weigh all factors before you run a risk, including a total loss of all your capital and mess up your own future retirement plan. If you judge it is going to be a fair business, you'd rather like to take the risk, well fair enough! Be cautious all the way through by listing out all terms & conditions on a written contract/documents, get them signed on it, not by verbal agreements. Keep documentation well. 

My advice always is this: Do NOT fully trust anybody on youtube, blogs, facebook, tweeter! No matter it is for stock investment or UK property investment, regardless of how honest or professional they look like. They aren't your personal friends. Do NOT fully trust any strangers, especially those who claim themselves "experts"! To the so-called "experts", you should be all the more alert!

Take my word!

PS: This blog site will not bring and have not brought me a penny.




展望理論 Prospect Theory (1): 價值函數 (Value Function)

風險決策的兩個理論: 期望值 & 期望效用

展望理論 Prospect Theory (2): 機率加權函數 (Probability Weighting Function)

電影筆記 | First Do No Harm - (1) 故事描述

期望投資回報: 計算方法

成熟也有指標 (Emotional Maturity)
